Palomar Properties Implements Kairos Sensors For Multifamily Leak Detection
See how Palomar Properties ramped up resident satisfaction after they implemented Kairos sensors to catch water leaks and organic growth risks.
Project Type: Retrofit
Location: Clearwater, FL
Building Type: Apartments
When a water heater issue exposed a vulnerability at Palomar Properties' Sandy Lane location, the Kairos team was brought in to help diagnose the problem. Our team immediately started working on a strategy to prevent this risk and prevent any potential damage. We worked closely with Palomar Properties to create a plan that would protect their Sandy Lane property and minimize any future risks. Thanks to our quick response and expert knowledge, Palomar Properties avoided any significant damages.
As many apartment communities in Florida experience, the threat of organic growth is much higher due to the humidity. Additionally, a single leak in one unit had the potential to damage the units next to it and the units below. In one particular community, a proactive inspection of the property led to the discovery of a significant water leak. The leak was coming from a unit on the third floor and was causing water damage to the units below. If left unchecked, this could have resulted in extensive damage and thousands of dollars in repairs.
T2 Temp & Humidity Sensors
Noah Leak Sensors
K1 Gateway
Water Heaters
Following the diagnosis of the threat from the leaks from the water heaters, we also wanted to incorporate tactics to prevent organic growth. For Sandy Lane's deployment, we used our Noah Leak Sensor to monitor and set custom alerts on each water heater. Following that, we implemented our T2 Temperature & Humidity Sensors to help the property team create a cadence for checking the health of each unit and know when organic growth threats were on the horizon.
Discovered water damage events would cost 25K average.
Mitigation of organic growth via custom alerts for maintenance teams
Protected resident satisfaction
Mitigated future risk of unhappy residents